
JAI youth and staff visit partner school in Norway

Category: Students Exchange Programs Created: 01 February 2016

From the 24th to the 31st of January 2016, the JAI facilitated sending two JAI-training youth, together with a JAI staff, to its partner Norwegian YMCA-YWCA related Rønningen FolkHighSchool, as part of a youth exchange program.

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The youth shared their stories and explained about their life under occupation in Palestine to the Norwegian students, in various ways, with presentations, chatting, free talks and games. This is in addition to creating friendships and develop personal relations together.

They mostly interacted with the Global Studies students, in addition to other students and their families and friends. The Global Studies students, in turn, visited Palestine, in a program arranged by the JAI, a week after from the 8th to the 19th of February 2016.

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