An Eye on Palestine - 2 November 2018

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The YMCA-YWCA Joint Advocacy Initiative issues this bi-weekly newsletter to keep you updated on the situation in the occupied Palestinian territories related to the Israeli occupation. 


Palestinian Athletes say ... Boycott Puma! No Fair Play on Stolen Palestinian Land

eop 2nov2018 1TPressure is mounting on Puma to end its sponsorship of the Israel Football Association (IFA). The IFA includes clubs in illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land. More than 200 Palestinian sports clubs have sent a letter urging Puma to end the sponsorship deal.

Just last week, more than 1000 tweets urged Puma to make ending its support for illegal Israeli land grabs a priority for its newly launched #REFORM campaign for social justice.

We know Puma executives are listening. Let's step up the pressure and convince Puma to take a leap for Palestinian rights.

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Gaza's drinking water spurs blue baby syndrome, serious illnesses

eop 2nov2018 2Gaza - The unshaven doctor with circles under his eyes enters the children's ward at Al Nassar hospital in Gaza City. It's a Thursday evening, almost the weekend. The ward is bleak and eerily quiet, but for the occasional wail of an infant.

At each cubicle, sectioned off by curtains, it's a similar image: A baby lies alone in a bed, hooked up to tubes, wires and a generator; a mother sits in silent witness at the bedside.

Dr Mohamad Abu Samia, the hospital's director of paediatric medicine, exchanges a few quiet words with one mother, then gently lifts the infant's gown, revealing a scar from heart surgery nearly half the length of her body.

At the next cubicle, he attends to a child suffering from severe malnutrition. She lies still, her tiny body connected to a respirator. Because electricity runs only four hours a day in Gaza, the baby must stay here, where generators keep her alive.

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Annexation is in the air

eop 2nov2018 3

A warning about imminent annexation of the West Bank was given on Tuesday by UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories S. Michael Lynk, on the eve of his delivery of his annual report to the General Assembly.

He was introduced by Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies Rashid Khalidi, with commentary by Center for Constitutional Rights attorney Diala Shamas. The talk was co-sponsored by the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University and the Department of Middle East, South Asian and African Studies at Columbia University.

Lynk, law professor at Western University, London, Ontario, distributed a draft of his report to the General Assembly, warning of the trends to annexation, to the audience for his talk at Columbia Law School, "Annexing the Future: Israel, Palestine and International Law."

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