Campaign Farmers' Stories

Stories from the Olive Tree Campaign fields and beneficiary farmers

Beneficiary farmer story - Nawal Othman - Wad Rahhal - Bethlehem area

Category: Campaign Farmers' Stories
Created: 06 October 2021

nawal othmanNawal Othman is a 50 years old farmer and housewife with 9 family member. She has 6 dunums (1 dunum = 1000 m2) of land in Wad Rahhal village, and another 9 dunums of land in Al-Khader village, south of the Bethlehem area.

The Israeli colonies (settlements) of 'Efrata' and 'Sede Boaz' were constructed very close to her land, while the Israeli authorities have constructed a what is called 'security road' for those colonies (settlements) on part of her land.

In 2005, Nawal planted her land with 350 olive trees. On the following day Israeli settlers even uprooted them, then prevented her and her family from cultivating their land and entering it. In February 2020, the Olive Tree Campaign supported Nawal and her family with 50 internationally–sponsored olive trees to help them protect the remaining of their land.


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